Dead Elvis, Inc.

Yay, a Stef sighting!

Proofreading before hitting “publish” isn’t a bad idea.

Yuengling is utterly shit on its own (lack of) merits as a beer, even before the abysmal politics come into play.

This is a poor summary

America’s penis

Their governor is Trump in a wheel chair.

No cure? Not even more cowbell?

You should self-abort. It’s not too late. 

Assholes like that don’t tip to begin with. 

Probably not enough brass, bronze, and leather parts for that bunch. 

If there’s more to come, I’ll keep checking in.

Ban? That’s grounds for deportation. 

I’d argue that Rhode-not-remotely-an-Island is the worst New England state, but Connecticut certainly sucks (New Haven style pizza being a massive exception).

The VIN plate. 

The AV Club as you once knew it is dead. Let the cliched garbage die with it. 

She’s certainly easy on the eyes.

Maybe not in the actual store, but they carry them.

Well, there goes the last reason to visit this place! (Sorry Rob, NPoND just isn’t enough.)


I don’t know that I’ve ever seen the Mystic version, but the standard Utz Dark Russet chips are still out there & they’re far superior to the Cape Cod russet chips IMO.