Dead Elvis, Inc.

From the post above:

Also, I’d like to third that request for more Bowman.

There was a guy in my high school whose entire senior yearbook entry read “drunk in a ditch with the Binder again.”

Better that than crypto

It’s wild to see people who assemble weird little tidbits and oddities into what they think is a magic spell allowing them to evade the law and taxes.

how good looking a fez can be

The non-dairy rumors may be based on the fact that McDonald’s calls them shakes, not milkshakes, despite the fact that milk is the first ingredient listed. They do contain carrageenan, a derivative of seaweed that has been used to enhance texture in cheap ice creams for decades (and is used in a lot of other food

Buy it. 

I had a strong sense of deja vu while reading this, then realized:

Check the tabs. It’s obviously not the correct plate for this car.

So, only a pint then?

That doesn’t make up for the default quart of mayo they apply.

Rather than charge less for alt-milks, Starbucks is more likely to raise the price of dairy-based products to match the vegan options.

OnlyFans subscription & fentanyl, Gramps

TIL Beckwith is a thin-skinned little bitch.

Relax, sweetie. You’ll pay in other ways.

Pashman can be fucking tedious.

If that isn’t living the high life


The beauty of the metric system: for water, 1 g = 1 cc = 1 mL