I don’t remember needing a lot of external motivation.
I don’t remember needing a lot of external motivation.
Fermented Fridays (because I’ll be goddamned if Fernet gets its own day; Sambuca really shouldn’t either, unless you’re craving anise-scented vomit).
This has a paint job that’s about as discrete as it gets.
Ewww, something leaked out of Vichy Deadspin.
I had a dirty Shirley once.
You’re welcome!
I don’t see MRA types coming to shit on Yuko simply for being a woman who has the audacity to exist, nor any unbalanced screeds in her history here - just a lot of incredibly bad advice.
As soon as my comment posted, yours was right below. It was perfect.
A clubbed sandwich!
Paint looks great, but wtf is wrong with the rear bumper?
I can’t tell if you’re relieved, or lamenting the absence.
Oh man, does this mean there’s no more mc content in Jalopnik?
She’s not a bloodsucker, but Yuko is the single most worthless contributor to this sad incarnation of Lifehacker.
Huh. I’ve heard of Whataburger, but never seen one.
Save money by waterproofing your pillows with ear wax!