“Without a base, without a trace!”
“Without a base, without a trace!”
That sounds very cool! He must have some fabrication skills.
Dig it.
Claire Lower, who would be a good addition to The Takeout.
Were you really expecting better from contemporary Lifehacker?
You cheap bastard, nitrogen is for amateurs.
Can Malort get worse?
The Kanc?
Yet another reason not to live in Texas.
You’ve certainly presented a convincing argument.
Fingers crossed for a mass die-off of these shit-for-brains ASAP.
A slow, miserable, painful death is exactly what that man deserved.
I was all about Skippy (smooth only!) as a kid, but that & the other big brands are way too sweet for me now. The fresh ground stuff is OK, but I prefer a chunky Santa Cruz Dark Roast or Teddy’s.
Closer to 350,000 people, which is still damn small.
I was going to say, wheat germ ain’t exactly a ‘90s discovery. It’s had a few go-rounds as the nutritional fad du jour.
Is Hello Fresh the only one that includes a beverage?
Small, but maybe more importantly - flat.