Dead Elvis, Inc.

Fork off with that nonsense!

You should probably examine the links in the post more carefully. 

But once a song has been inflicted on you like that, it loses all appeal.

You gonna take it off any sweet jumps?

ain’t gonna be fast enough to get you in trouble

And plywood or OSB sheathing, so good luck with that.

Cannibalism as a result of years of inbreeding. Who knew?!

Obtaining a license should be much more difficult than it is in the US. At the moment, the ability to fog a mirror gets you 90% of the way there.

I expected the forbidden burger to have been made from human flesh.

And I shouldn’t post after a few beers. Mea m-f’n culpa.

Whereas you just seem to be a whiny little bitch about everything here, which makes me wonder why you stay.

*lift, not life

Only on days ending in “y”.

The TRX is really heavy

Sounds like regression, not evolution.

The sole argument I’ve ever heard anyone use in favor of Costco pizza is the price. That’s it - not that any single element of it is good, just cheap.

Why clear it? You can’t make a real splash if you don’t land in the pool.

How about “check Lifehacker to see what they have to say”?
