The ones who bitch & whine about being stuck in the greys rarely have anything worthwhile (or even coherent) to say, and if you pull them out, you’ve removed their main topic of concern.
Some guy who calls himself “Danny Palumbo” (yeah, right, like that’s a real name) hosts a good food-adjacent podcast called the Macaroni Zone.
To be removed from the greys, an author from the blog in question has to follow (or approve?) you in Kinja.
Smart choice (and congrats on your avoidance skills)!
Not what I would have guessed as the definition of “chili dump”, but still disgusting!
You forgot construction season.
Couldn’t be bothered to read the post, I see.
Including “Bad” in the title led me to expect a grade much worse than B-.
David Lynch should have been the entire list.
See also: the Mystery Spot (take your pick - Santa Cruz or somewhere in Michigan), the Oregon Vortex, the Wonder Spot near Wisconsin Dells, etc.
I wouldn’t be surprised if more out of state skiers visit Stowe in a single season than all non-residents travel to North Dakota for any reason whatsoever in an entire year.
Or Seattle, Bellingham, Boulder, et al.
The algorithm is just doing its thing.
Not enough #sponcon
“Fuck you, pay me more.”
This sort of raisin propaganda just makes me miss Allison Robicelli even more. I share her righteous hatred of these failed grapes.
Not here, no - it’s a labor of love & 100% herb-free.
Just the memory of having tried Cool Ranch Doritos does the same for me.
It’s hard to gauge the impact your joke will make.