Oh no! We’re all so worried about your fucking fragile, pathetic, snowflake self. Let’s drop everything else & cater to shitwigs like you.
Oh no! We’re all so worried about your fucking fragile, pathetic, snowflake self. Let’s drop everything else & cater to shitwigs like you.
Of course not.
Jalopnik is guaranteed to be around for the next 15 years
A couple of Lexapro crushed up with some salt, garlic, and good olive oil is pretty good mixed into the beans (heat the beans first, stir in everything else afterwards). Top with salsa or your favorite hot sauce to cut the SSRI bitterness.
Probably, but to what improvement? That seems like a hell of a lot of extra effort for what sounds like a passable-at-best imitation.
March 32nd, opening day for Torch & Tracy’s new joint!
The current crop of Jez writers is even worse than the clowns who allowed that piece to see the light of day.
Mandatory post-birth abortion of all Republicans would improve this country in a hurry.
It’s just a video, there’s nothing to read.
I have to assume that question was not asked in good faith.
My first reaction, too!
So you’re a snake-oil enthusiast?
Excellent ad. Points to the seller for honesty!
Plus “sugar/shug”.
Those better have massive amounts of THC.
“asshole” is neither a gender nor a pronoun.