This sort of pro-robot propaganda makes me wonder if Allison really left of her own accord, or if the robots got her.
This sort of pro-robot propaganda makes me wonder if Allison really left of her own accord, or if the robots got her.
Much older than one year, ever since they returned from striking (but they bury the original publication date at the end of the post). Cheaper to recycle old material than to acquire new talent, I guess.
Rafi’s approach is the most inclusive:
Torch covered it:
And how is their idiocy different from your baseless disinclination to get boosters? You certainly seem to be taking the same stupid position.
It reads like Ammo NYC sponcon that lacks any disclaimer about that fact.
You’re an irredeemable moron if you think statues of anyone are meaningful or worthy of respect.
Get in touch with Stef Schrader. She may disabuse you of this notion.
Seattle is home to plenty of elderly Volvos, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen a 444 or 544 on the street.
Grand Marquis, not Sable
Perfect example
Spectacular! Do you have more pix posted elsewhere (and are you active over at The Hyphen/New Oppo? If not, consider it! 100% herb-free, guaranteed)
Please accept my most heartfelt apology.
/lifts cheek, farts loudly
Choose indeterminate varieties - they don’t ripen all at once, but progressively.
Consider the screen name of the commenter to whom you’re responding and adjust your expectations appropriately (downward).
They handle surprisingly well, too, given their bulk.