or even worse - the Vichy Deadspin of food.
or even worse - the Vichy Deadspin of food.
What a comprehensive & well-reasoned argument you’ve put forth!
Maybe it’s the taste of homophobia dressed up as Christianity that puts it over the top for you.
you would think being put in a wheelchair by a previous crash would tend to cool one’s jets a bit?
That seems like more of a Lifehacker series.
It’s too bad that car crash in 2014 only put him in a wheelchair. Maybe his enthusiasm for extra-legal speeds will finish the job.
Never mind the Times, this isn’t even the Wirecutter.
At the very end of the ad, it notes the Jeep is a 2007. Rob may have missed that.
Yeah, but when is Judy Greer anything other than great?!
Also, free venison!
Someone needs to dump this into the tank of a K-9 unit.
Different union.
Somehow, you managed to completely miss the fact that the union representing the writers here went on strike to negotiate a new contact? That’s quite the non-accomplishment on your part.
No. It’s sad that you feel the question is worth asking.
Good tequilas (thusly, Jose Cuervo is off the menu) deserve to be savored just as much as do good whiskeys.
The Jimmy John’s wrapper is an even bigger tell than the horribly pale, pathetic sub roll.
Wait, there was functional editing here prior to Rory abandoning ship? I must have been reading a different Jalopnik.