Dead Elvis, Inc.

Presumably you have a half-cup measure, which eliminates the need for eyeballing that mysterious midpoint.

The Takeout rarely publishes anything at all on weekends, and I’m not sure how or why a regular reader could consider their output last week a “radical drop”, compared to any other week in the last few years.

Who are you addressing? The Takeout staff hasn’t been on strike, because they’re not part of the union that did so.

Yeah, but if the fucking herbs nuke comments here, they’ll have to pay someone to write actual posts, instead of just harvesting material we give them for slideshows.

Sounds about right (my memory is that the very sad crust was typically unpleasantly wet). 

You stated that adding oregano means this is not chili, but “spicy spaghetti sauce”, which is an impressively stupid claim. Chili recipes often include oregano.

No, dummy, they’re on strike. Pay attention. 

And then you have Apple Jacks

Marnie is team “all the cream cheese”, Angela is with those of us who prefer a bit of restraint (although I skew towards an even thinner schmear, closer to half that 3:1 ratio).

You seem incredibly lazy, yet often conflate quantity for quality when it comes to comments.

Complaints about Kinja go entirely unheeded, so I’d expect the same for messages in support of Ukraine.

I’d much rather watch Larry David voice an angry bialy.

If you grew up in southern Vermont in the ‘70s, maybe we went to school together. You’ve described the essence of my aversion to school lunch perfectly.

I haven’t cooked a ton of Bittman recipes, but I’ve had great results with the couple dozen I’ve now got printed out & keep in a binder. How many (and which ones!) have failed you?

Personally, I hate how The Takeout keeps putting recipes up without that means, and I have a document template just for manually pasting those sections

Dennis didn’t miss a thing. Take a look at the linked source & see for yourself.

I did that once, shortly after the widget debuted. No judgment here!

Excellent point

Now playing

It’s a slight misquote from the Office episode in question: