head vision is very fun
head vision is very fun
Fast n’ Furious : Miami Sideshow
Also possibly of interest to a certain subset of Jalopnik commenters:
I remain unswayed.
New Florida slogan.
Most, if not all, of the chains do this everywhere in the US (and at least Canadian Tire as well).
And that’s somehow relevant to this discussion?
Dragees are the larger, more spherical deluxe sprinkles
You should probably check the URL up top before bitching about Jalopnik.
I hope she hadn’t just fucked the pool boy!
I second this
Kinda misses the point
Exactly! It’s pretty much a marinated salad.
At least you can dilute V-8 with vodka.
You’d like to think so.
That’s reassuring. I see you’re a business person of extensive resources & exquisite judgment!
If you’re going to spray anything you want to avoid, rethink than downwind suggestion - unless painful object lessons are your preferred method of learning.
Sure, if you live someplace where Aldi’s has a presence. That rules out all of the Pacific Northwest.