Gandolfini was joined by actress Edie Clark, who performed her brilliant role as Soprano’s wife Carmela.
Gandolfini was joined by actress Edie Clark, who performed her brilliant role as Soprano’s wife Carmela.
No, I remember seeing ads for it here in the US, at least on the east coast.
None of them are worth eating now. They’ve all gone completely downhill since they stopped making them out of real Girl Scouts.
Holy shit, there’s a screen name I haven’t seen in YEARS!
Shiba Inu
It is!
Some people are just assholes from the start.
Thank you for taking that in the intended spirit.
I have a feeling it’s how the majority of ‘mericans cook & serve pasta, including an awful lot of us Italian-Americans. I don’t think it makes a difference for grocery store dried pasta, but for higher quality dry (see: Big John’s PFI down by the football stadium) or fresh? I’ll take the time, especially if it’s a…
The fact that “well done” is an option when ordering online or via Pagliacci’s app warms my heart. (If I could set that to be the default for all of my orders, it might be perfect - it’s easily the best ordering app I’ve ever used. I don’t know if it was built on an existing template or from scratch, but it’s…
The Mazda driver throws a drink at the van as the two merge onto another highway.
Maybe you’re just bad at sarcasm.
Which version? I’m partial to the Clash’s cover.
Mine came with a hacky sack (it was the late ‘80s).
That sub-headline could use a complete rewrite, as I’m pretty sure she wasn’t killed in a virtual meeting.
That was immensely entertaining.