Dead Account

Hell, as a technique tracing’s been around since the renaissance. Plenty of classic paintings with a slight fisheye effect from the projector.

You clearly didn’t read the post just above your own. It’s not the revolution of art, more than just the “automated collage of often stolen art made by actual humans”

“Without intent it’s just empty beauty. Intent is what allowed Duchamp to turn a urinal into a sculpture.

You’re very loud and one-note in your indiscriminate condemnation of AI art. Which in some ways, makes it cathartic to know that AI art is here to stay. It is a bigger technological evolution than going from pen and paper to digital was for art.

People can’t stop talking about him, so he must be good! Also I’m hearing a lot of things about some indie film called the Room? 

Don’t forget, this is free advertising for Mondalez, who uses child slavery, continues to operate in Russia, and illegally destroyed protected land in Ivory Coast and Ghana.

Your comment, all the way down to your syntax, is 100% right out of a Russian troll playbook.

Maybe if anti-diversity hadn’t been forced down our throats for decades, you wouldn’t be having this so-called “problem”:

Honestly, don’t hate the idea. I really love the world of Horizon, so a live service/mmo Horizon game that provides a reason to spend time there with a steady stream of new quests and story bits seems like a cool proposition.

The emotional fragility of the wealthy can be rather astounding. I really, really want to believe that if I was worth more than 99.999% of people on this planet I would find something better to do with my time, energy and money. Maybe even try to leave it a better place than I found it.

Good people, just leave Twitter. You really should have done it about 15 years ago, but we’ll let that go. DO IT NOW. And believe me, if you delete the rest of social media too, you’ll live happier. 

I’m old enough to remember when Feast for Crows came out in 2005 and GRRM was claiming the next book was already “practically done,” because he wrote them both as one massive book but his publisher made him split them up. Just year or so to polish it up and we’d get book 5 in no time!

“It’s just a woman saying, ‘I’m a woman and I feel I’m a woman and I want to be able to say that I’m a woman.’”

I’m in. The Ant-Man movies have been consistently entertaining.

Is it wrong of me not to care about any of these douchebag streamers? Because I really don’t.

I don’t think it’s a hoax, but it wouldn’t surprise me were it revealed to be one. This area of entertainment BEEN weird.

Having personally witness the kind of abuse she’s describing, I would say this sort of turnaround isn’t uncommon. An abused person in a relationship often wants everything to just course correct and become normal, and when the abuser promises all sorts of things, the victim will grab onto those promises like a life

Did Amo’s husband shit on her bed? This is important information for me to decide how much I care about any upcoming trial.

Aryan vs. Predator.

Yeah. That’s why you don’t take chances bringing drugs with you in international travel.