Dead Account

except he might be wrong according to polls that are saying Abortion is a driving issue this year:

No they only launched because they needed to figure out a new way to monetize a 6 year old game

Read through their whole report and frankly found their methodology pretty arbitrary. They seem to have high confidence because they’ve found cheaters in the past. But they do a pretty poor job (frankly, no job, really) presenting the statistics well.

I’m not going to reply to Omid Scobie or whoever CountessLivesOn really is, but I will point out that under something called, I think, the Letters Patent, anyway something dreamed up by King George V in 1917, there was a rule change to streamline the monarchy. All the children of the Monarch got titles, and then all

Can we also get rid of the #GirlDad shit as well?

“We want FTUE to welcome players more gradually to Overwatch 2, as we’ve seen consistent feedback from new players feeling overwhelmed by numerous game modes and heroes,” Blizzard wrote. “New players begin with access to a limited set of game modes, heroes, and some other restrictions to onboard them more gradually.”

I see Ye is in stage 3 of his very public transformation into a cult leader. 

If I heard a neighbor of mine willingly sent their child to a school run by Kanye they had to sign an NDA to get into I’d find myself wondering whether I have an ethical duty to call CPS for a welfare check. Like it’s less the school itself (like it or not parents have the right to try and indoctrinate their kids into

I remember this nonsense with Diana’s funeral: the crying and wailing; the rending of garments; mountainous piles of rotting flora stacked in front of any piece of street furniture more “royal” than a parking meter; grief-stricken idiots practically throwing themselves under her hearse. It’s the closest I’ve come to

It always strained credulity for me that even if Cerberus had been indoctrinated for years and had near unlimited funding, that they’d still seem to massively outnumber the Systems Alliance. The ending was not great but I think I’d prepared myself for that given how hard it would have been to actually stick the

I want the long drawn out scene of MI6 planning the hit only for her to die anyway in an accident.  Like that Mitchell and Web skit but played straight. 

Canceling couch co-op feels like they’re basically giving up on campaign. they got their $60 from some people, the rest played it on GamePass. Now they focus on getting people to buy vastly overpriced skins in the MP. I’m really wondering if we’ll ever see campaign story DLC now. It won’t make them any money unless

This seems like a pretty huge flaw in iOS? Obviously nobody should be doing that, but why on earth does that feature even exist without having to like, match or have both ends click something? If it uses something like Bluetooth or NFC, I don't know what the airline can even do about it.

Interestingly, one gains interest over time while the other loses it.

Jesus Christ, since this stupid, illogical, brainless, witless, wrongheaded, pointless, bad faith argument is rearing its ugly head once again: THE PHRASE “PEOPLE WHO MENSTRUATE” IS DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF “REDUCING WOMEN DOWN TO THEIR BODILY FUNCTIONS.” TERFS ARE THE ONES TRYING TO MAKE POSSESSION OF A UTERUS A

Not all women menstruate. Not all people who menstruate are women. The usage of the phrase “people who menstruate” that pissed Rowling off so much was in an article specifically about COVID-19 and all the potential health issues related to menstruation the pandemic exacerbated. It was not attempting to “reduce” women

The problem isn’t just that her beliefs are at best ill-informed and at worst discriminatory garbage. The problem is that she seems to think continuously doubling down on it in favor of something that reads as “I’ve done my research!” is somehow different from the right-wing politicians she decries. And frankly, if

Her “defense” of “women” and “homosexuality” was just calling trans-men confused autistic lesbians.

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