Dead Account

There’s a difference between a “reboot” of a series that is looking to do something different and a “reboot” that just rehashes the same scenario though.

I mean... they can at least try to see if it will work.

What “feud” though? Kanye, surprising no one, was a piece of shit to her in 2009 and has constantly tried to get at her ever since no matter how many times she’s tried to not have anything to do with it.

This guy thinks humility is only boasting about everything he does to nearly everyone he meets.

Chevy was always an arsehole even in the first two seasons when on set but his increasing absence matches with his growing unhappiness at being written not as an out of touch old man who’s also a villain at times but just a hardened racist where the show feels the need to remind you of that constantly.

This article is now almost 7 years old.

Not just that but TERFs keep lodging Freedom of Information requests with justice ministries in the UK to try and reveal the “truth” that these evil trans-appropriating prisoners are going around assaulting women and instead each time it comes back showing that it doesn’t happen.

It wasn’t almost immediately though, it took two years until Shazam came out, a film no one expected to do much, and showed that maybe every film being done in Snyder fashion wasn’t a good idea.

It’s a fun series worth it just for all the other tangents they find, more so than the actual confirmation of who made the game and why (both of which are rather heartwarming).

You mean the one I specifically said “which WB insisted was its own thing” about?

It’s more a comment about how she and frankly most TERFs seem to think that transwomen are predatory men seeking to gain entry to places like bathrooms to abuse women when... predatory men can just simply walk into a bathroom anyway.

You mean the Snyder Cut that came out last year right? And, yeah he did have almost total control given how until he was forced to leave due to personal (and tragic) circumstances even the spin-offs were made to fit in with the “GrimDark” tones he set.

You know what, despite the popular opinion I don’t think this is going to end well. Gunn is a great director but he’s a great director at making one type of film in one extremely specific way, namely a cocky self-aware film that is rather light if gory. But beyond that he’s not really done anything.

Sex offenders have historically been found amongst social workers, teachers, priests, doctors, babysitters, school caretakers, celebrities and charity fundraisers, yet no matter how often the scandals break, the lesson appears never to be learned: it is dangerous to assert that any category of people deserves a

Impressive but looking at one example it’s a shame that some of the US editions are seemingly so dull.

Yep. Admittedly that game did lose a lot of the fright when you realise he barely appears and even in the RPD you can so easily just grab the lever and get to the clocktower the game cheats and will spawn him right outside the records room door if he’s too far away.

You say all that about third-person and yet R2Make was the most legitimately scared I’ve been in years to the point I lost sleep because of it.

Yep. One of the most disappointing things about Village was upon completion realising how much brilliance was on that first section while the other three lords and the final big bad just lacked anything close to that level of character.

It was a dumb throwaway line in a deliberate camp episode that was probably a play on the “guy gets the girl” trope.

And just saying they’re bad with no reason doesn’t provide any useful information as to why they’re supposedly terrible, so I had to go off the usual reasons people say they’re terrible (farting aliens but no acknowledgement of the satire, love and monsters being a childish camp fest when it was the response to a