
to help out the 99% of other cis-gendered heterosexual women looking for a man, so they don’t get false matches in their feed as well?

I still don’t agree, but I apologize for getting nasty and personal. I could have made the same points without being so insulting.

Fuck your gender identity issues, and the 0.001 percent of the population that have them. You are not the center of the universe. Changing the way the English language is used every time mentally unstable people decide they want to be referred to by a different term is not that important to the rest of society.

How was she powerless? All she would have had to do was yell and pull away.

That’s not the point. You are upset he didn’t give you a good enough apology.

Why does he need to acknowledge it to anybody except the victim? Why do you think he needs to be contrite and own his awfulness for you?

He doesn’t owe YOU any display of remorse or contrition. And you wanting to see it is nothing more than a hunger for celebrity dirt.

What do taxes have to do with this? Whether religious groups should have to pay taxes is unrelated to this. Unless you’re saying it would be ok for a tax-paying business to fire this woman, but not a religious school?

I thought the consensus around here was that an employer doesn’t owe you a job, and it’s ok if they get rid of people whenever they want.

We would, but the state won’t give up control of it. And nobody is relying on the upstate rubes. That upstate economic wasteland is supported by NYC taxes.

It’s not your bad, it’s Harriot’s. He gave bad information in his post. Not that he’ll ever have the decency to edit or update things.

What if we just brought back the male / female award categories?

Yeah yeah, we know. If white people ever disagree with anything you say or do, then we’re your enemy.

You absolutely did say it’s not a possibility. You said “people don’t make this stuff up.” So people don’t make this stuff up, but you accept the possibility they could make stuff up? Which is it?

It’s not true that people don’t make this stuff up. How often it happens can be disputed, but to pretend it’s not a possibility is wrong.

Definitely! I grew up Roman Catholic in NYC. I knew lots of communities were more religious than we were, but I didn’t realize how much a community can revolve around the church. I guess I still don’t know the extent.

Ok, I get it now. I was never in a church that had a youth pastor. I thought they were just the most-involved young person in the church community. It makes a lot more sense now.

Ok, I didn’t know a youth pastor had that much authority. I had pictured it more as a ‘first among equals’ position.

How is being a youth pastor a position of authority? They have no legal authority, can’t take a job away, and she can leave voluntarily whenever she wants.

Maybe someone can set up a Gofundme for buying the slaves and setting them free?