
Far from calling them saviors, I blame them for us having weak candidates two election cycles in a row.

Maybe next time, we’ll realize that Iowa IS more representative of America as a whole than South Carolina. The economy and jobs are more important to the general population than social justice reforms. Now, it’s looking like the best we can hope for is a narrow Biden victory, with the senate blocking everything he

The republicans have the opposite math. The supreme court is more important than having the presidency or even the majority in the senate.

No, they just don’t want to accept that there are unintended consequences any situation this large and complex. Unless you can point to other factors that would account for the upsurge in violence & shootings (of which there are few possibilities), then that difference IS on civil rights activists, even though that

Your first point speaks more to the sad condition of the American workplace and at-will employment, rather than what’s fair and just.

A star for the thoughtful answer. And I don’t know if you’ll even see this, since it’s been so long since this was posted. But it’s being taken as a given that he WAS threatening to black ball her, and that’s what I disagree with. Just because she interpreted it that way doesn’t mean that’s how he meant it. That’s why

Puritanism has always been a strong influence in American society

It says at that time Ayala was someone who was trying to break into the industry. He can’t fire her, and it doesn’t sound like she was interviewing for a job with him.  It seems like the only power he had is her worry that he could blackball her.  Is there any evidence he tried to do so after she DID turn him down? 

I’m thinking maybe those people would be new voters, but not new members of the Democratic party.  At least I hope so, if he ends up being the nominee.  

Just because cancel culture failed once it made it out of the echo chamber, doesn’t mean it was never meant to be a thing. It was an evil bit of attempted mob justice, and acting like it was never a big deal is disingenuous.

It’s interesting how this is the place I first heard of intersectionality, and how we should look out for injustices for everyone, not just our own interests. But when shit goes down with Splinter and Deadspin, ‘never reneged’ Harriot keeps his head down and mouth shut in subservience to the guys that sign his

Maybe their careers are stymied because they’re fucking up all of Google’s products? Correlation is not causation, but their stuff worked better and wasn’t constantly getting shut down/replaced when it was a homogeneous, non-SJW workforce.

I guess if you can’t get attention for your shitty comedy, you’ll try to get it through performative wokeness.  Whatever it takes to get approval from strangers, amirite?

Why do we put bike lanes on major thoroughfares? Both Grand St and Coney Island Ave have tons of traffic. I don’t know what the streets are like exactly where these accidents occurred, but with most of NYC on a grid, why aren’t we putting the bike lanes on much less heavily used side streets? One block over, way less

You can set codes of conduct for a company that can be grounds for firing, even when that behavior isn’t illegal. Accepting gifts over a certain amount from vendors to the company is the first one that pops into my head.

What if it’s not a public figure? What if it’s just a regular, anonymous person that is accused? As a public servant, I agree Franken should be held to a higher standard. But I just can’t get behind the idea that someone can be punished (or peer pressured into what is effectively a punishment) based on an accusation

So mob justice is the only way to deal with sexual harassment?

True.  That’s why the best way for anybody accused to react is to outright deny and to attack the credibility of the accuser.  Because there are people like you who will have no guilt about being part of the mob that demanded he leave.

OMG, someone told him that he’s racist? That’s really going to make him think twice about what he said.

But (and I’m honestly asking here), what is the proposed penalty for breaking that law?  To just say something is illegal, but with no penalty for doing it, is no deterrent at all.