
Cool tool, but AngelList is not a very good place to get salary information from. Or accurate job descriptions. At least in my local area. The data is very... fuzzy.

Truck. Yeah.

They are much quieter. You can hear it in the team radios (actual voices, instead of screaming engines all the time) and you can tell because tire squeal is audible now.

I've spent a lot of time staring at that M-21. I love it. Also good advice on those shots, especially when only a potato is handy. Of course, professional level equipment could help everyone's shots. But who has the cash for that?

Yes. All of this.

You're still not requiring him to wear pants while writing in an official capacity, right? 'Cause if so, I will have to file a protest.

I would certainly play drums, and it would be awesome.

I'm not comedian, but if you'd ever like to get coffee in a car, I'll buy. Will travel from Seattle to Portland. Huge fan of CCGC, and Bee Movie.

Wait, can we talk to each other using computers? Mind blown.

Not too far away from you... Just over here on the other coast. A bit south of Seattle.

When I get to the point in my life that I can afford a car, I think I'll just fly you out here to help me... Good tips, though.

Love the Vario, and other offerings from Baratza. Was hoping to get one for myself this Christmas! Both versions (with and without the W) are fantastic.

Well, I always keep both on hand. Some coffees just respond well to the good, clean cups that come out of the paper filters and some just don't work without those flavor oils getting through.

Use it every morning! Works best with a metal filter, for my taste:

It's very good, easy to evenly extract the coffee due to the flat bottom. Hard to find as the importing gets a bit sketchy some times. Different versions have varying pricing. You also don't have to rinse the filters, they don't taste like paper. I still prefer my Chemex, but the Kalita might be my choice for a

Trust me, they collect cups. So get them a unique-ish one. Get them two at $7.15 each demitasse.

Also try Craft Coffee, for a little bit more coffee but one less roaster.

My computer is pretty close on my 18-year-old BMW with slightly leaky injectors...

Maybe if you replace pumpkin with pecan. That might work for me.

Jet Blue is my favorite as well, but I don't fly too often.