
They stated that they did buy insurance. So... not sure what the problem was.

Let's say you had to buy any production car from any point in history. You have to drive it around and not customize a thing. Which car would it be? Why? What would you desperately need to customize on it?

Leasing still sounds scary to me. But thanks for the friendly explanation!

10-15 over is a lot more than I'd feel comfortable passing a WASP at. 5 over is generally what I stick to on I-5, if I can go that fast. Also, our definition of "rural" is very conservative.

I thought the same thing when I saw it. I thought it was kind of cool, though.

Also an internet expert, as it seems he can get more IPs with extra modems. Very good!

It feels a lot more like what happens when I drive my car, so at the very least it is more useful to me. A pipe dream would be if they included rally. Obviously, I understand why they might never do that.

I am too busy! Haven't been able to play much. Which makes me sad. I will probably end up subscribing though, because racecar. I mean, because I realized how much I enjoyed having an actual sim, and not a slippery squirrely GT5-type "sim".

Join the party!

Good news! They've added parties in Seattle and Portla - no, wait. Still just NY :'(

Would track. And DD.

I hope for everyone's sake that what you just said is totally false. Otherwise it's possible that I'll cry. And then go get a manuel TDI A3. Oh wait.

My wife and I are huge fans of yours, Patrick. Possibly for different reasons, but I'll let that slide. I was wondering, what's your favorite car you've ever driven? Could be a racecar, daily driver, or classic. Thanks!

I want this car! It'd make a perfect DD and it's so cute.

I would feel terrible if I ever told that to anyone that might drive drunk, or posted it on a public forum.

What the crap. Crap crap crap.

So, the Volvo with the cardboard...?

Center was good, dual would be better. Quad is silly. I love the way it looks other than that. But DSG? Kills the R for me. I liked the transmission lack of options in the first one.


I think every car I've driven has this except my car. Not that it would do any good in my car since the fan doesn't work right and the AC is kaput.