Just like using two different shades of the same color. If they’re too close to the same shade, it just looks like you were trying to match them and failed.
Just like using two different shades of the same color. If they’re too close to the same shade, it just looks like you were trying to match them and failed.
Probably has to do with directing airflow away from the windows for wind noise reduction, similar to those nubs on Honda front windows
Don’t get cocky now...any day
VC-T = Variable Crevice Tolerance?
Really? We’re worried about panel gaps on an Altima???
They could have achieved the same look with a crease, but that would have cost more.
Really interesting article. It’s refreshing to see this issue tackled both from the perspective of someone knowledgeable enough about firearms to understand them, and someone coming at the issue from the angle of someone who writes about games, often violent games, for a living. My personal feelings on the gun debate…
So it’s now The Red Onion??
This has always been a thing. I don’t know the exact age when women start paying more than men, but “boys pay more than girls, but women pay more than men” has been the “rule” for as long as I have known.
One day I hope to care about something as much as these people care about this moronic movie series. Even for 5 seconds.
I have to assume the employees of Bob’s Market become near homicidal every time a dude bro comes in and talks about how much he likes the tuna there.
I feel bad for the people who live in that house.
Is it just me, or do people posing with their cars always look stupid?
I don’t know what pisses me off most right now: the snow here I forgot to expect, my neighbor who keeps loudly yelling “YEA!”, or just the fact that some dude bros care this much about Fast and The Furious.
Breaking news, stepping off of a heavily planted median, into the left lane, in front of an SUV going 45mph, on a four lane divided highway, at 10pm, is still a fatal mistake, even with autonomous vehicles. Not to be callous, but hopefully this doesn’t slow down autonomous vehicles’ arrival. This was clearly, in no…
Once analysis comes out that the uber car saw the pedestrian, tried to stop, but couldn’t, tests will resume. Even without a reaction time, all vehicles are governed by laws of physics. at 45mph, they cannot stop any faster than the tires and brakes will allow, whether AV or human operated. We were all taught as kids,…
She was clearly jaywalking on a multi-lane road. And she was an adult, let’s not play the kid game. And you don’t need a degree to know that jaywalking will eventually get you killed. Would you jaywalk onto a highway? No, because you know you will get killed. What’s different in jaywalking on regular street?
This will be a setback in consumer confidence. The news of this accident came out before any conclusions were drawn. We do know a few things for sure: The pedestrian was jaywalking, walking her bike across the street, and the backup driver claims “It happened like a flash”. This also happened on a street with a 45mph…