DC3 LS, will be perpetually replacing cars until the end of time

ikr? I’m ok with him ruling the internet, but idk about the real world too.

Nope you’re good. In fact you loose a point off for every F&F movie you unironically enjoy watching.

I think it’s the same company. I know the bus system here is privatized.

#6 If you have this happen. You probably don’t need to replace the whole starter. Even if it’s an integrated/internal solenoid, you can just replace or clean where the plunger contacts the two pads and it’ll work like new and cost you about $10.

What if I have 4 Oppo stickers? All different colors and designs.

I’d like to know what gear ratio’s it has. I can only imagine the final drive is something ridiculous like 15:1

How is the Mitsubishi Mirage not anywhere on this list?

Gyros or Tacos? If anyone answers incorrectly I’m using ad block on Jalopnik :)

Would’ve been better if Kinja would’ve just let me edit my original post :)

Can’t edit, but apparently it had a Jaaaaag V8. So I guess you could just go to a junkyard and get an LS to put into your LS.

Would a Lincoln LS fit the bill? IIRC they were RWD and had the 4.6 from the factory.

Hopefully he’s rich and being held for ransom money. Hope they have enough, if that’s the case, because they don’t fuck around if you don’t pay the full ransom.

I think he’s saying the the “Midlife crisis Corvette” is just something made up by young people to make fun of older people.

Wouldn’t surprise me, ask anyone who’s been to Iraq or Afghanistan. A lot of us have seen someone fucking a goat, or worse. Although I’d imagine this is probably more like a dog or pony show than judging the sexual attractiveness of the camel.

The thing that triggered me, was I control F’ed “Rainbow Six” and nothing came up. And there’s an invitational tournament being streamed today on YT :(

I’m very curious to know what his plan was if he managed to learn how to operate the train. Run into another trail? Derail it? Stop it just to inconvenience everyone?

The argument for not warming your car up all the way, is that it will take longer to warm up at idle. So the engine will be running with thick oil for longer, than if you take it out on the road and put a little load on it after letting oil circulate.

I should also add, another reason I don’t think the Volt will get axed because of this. Is because the Bolt filled a niche that wasn’t filled before. The Leaf didn’t have nearly the range the Bolt does and the Teslas were obviously more expensive. The Volt had been out for years already so many of the potential buyers

The Volt still has it’s place because it has a gas generator. The model S was a luxury car that could haul ass. It’s not really far to compare it to any EVs GM makes.

Won’t let me edit, but what I linked barely scratches the surface of everything that’s wrong with the car.