DC3 LS, will be perpetually replacing cars until the end of time

I think it’s only being reported as an accidental shooting on here, because of the one quote from a 13 year old. Other reports, and the fact that they handcuffed the girl and perp walked her out suggest otherwise.

“Los Angeles has a law about the safe storage of weapons; every responsible gun owner needs to take heed.”

I temped at Amazon corporate in Seattle (South Lake Union) a couple years ago. I thought it was strange being almost trampled by people who walked down the hallway with their laptops open to work on stuff as they walked the corridors. That is until I saw the guy who was standing at a urinal in the bathroom with his

At around $12 an hour, 40 hours a week, full-time jobs pay higher than many others in the region, and the benefits are also better than many other jobs in the industry. But workers are required to be on their feet all day, and receive scant time for bathroom breaks or lunch. They’re pressured to meet certain

I’ve wondered... How similar are the Focus and the Volvo V50? I know the 2nd gen Focus and V50 share a platform, but is it drastically different to the 1st gen Focus that was popular for V8 RWD swaps?

Forget the swap. Put the 4.6 on Craigslist, and just get a 1st gen CTS-V. Very fast, very comfortable, and big and safe. Mom will love it. You can find one at $10K, but at $15K you can get a very nice one. And considering you won’t be paying for an engine swap, that will be money well spent.

The folks with the 240 idealogy have the cheap part right, but not the fancy.

Even a 2V 4.6 is better than an older NA 4cyl, and maybe better than an NA V6 depending.

In RT/GT trim they’re loaded up as much as most luxury cars. If they look anything like the older ones underneath, they would be super easy to swap to RWD.

I’ve always been partial to these:

Even though I’m generally a modular apologist, sell that 4.6 and get something that’s actually worth swapping. Or just throw it in the trash where it belongs and buy a car that doesn’t need a swap.* Most modern cars will offer the same or more HP, and torque than the 4.6 makes, the only thing that might be missing is

Dodge Grand Caravan.

You’d have a lot easier time if you traded the 4.6L mod motor for a 5.0L pushrod motor. Smaller dimensions will make swapping it easier, and the 5.0L pushrod motor can be built to VERY respectable output.

Tell those idiots it is the limited production sport version that was never advertised.

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

Comfort turkeys?! Come ON. Turkeys are nowhere near comforting.

I have a lot of friends in Guadalajara and from what I have been told you do not get messed with unless you are dealing in “bad” things or you have money. This can be said for anywhere though.

Unlikely if they setup a gofundme for necessities.

Unfortunately, a lot of places in Guadalajara are anything but.

So what happens when the alt right adopts an Overwatch character and heavily uses it in their memes? Is the League going to ban that character? Just because some racists use a character in their meme doesn’t mean that the character is racist.