More than four hours?
More than four hours?
Believe me I understand that. I think they’re awesome vehicles, but they’re designed for a purpose. A Jeep is not designed to take you from Ocala to the Keys, it’s designed to be a tough off road champion. So when I see one on I75 weaving in and out of traffic doing 85 MPH, I say... “why?!” Why did you pay thirty five…
But then they’d have to pay him. As it is, they get a post out of his content with minimal work from an existing staff member, and he gets “paid” in what I’m sure is a non-trivial bump in views from Jalopnik readers.
Username checks out.
Welcome to what pedantic folks like me have been doing to look like assholes by correcting people in forums and comments for the past 20 years!
It is time once again for our network to pump out gift guides for the holiday season, prodding you to buy and…
Even on a track, almost none of the middle-age white guys who buy these executive penis-stretchers have the skill to handle a 2+ ton, 600-hp car. I doubt most of them could make use of even half that much power on a track.
I used to believe the hype around dampers “wearing out” every 60,000 miles or so
Yes - just go look up car crashes on youtube. Plenty of euro crashes....
This video is why I stopped going to car shows. No one cares about the cars or the people they meet there anymore, everyone has to be the first to put whatever shitty pic/vid they took on social media. Millennials are killing car culture but not in the way everyone thinks
I commute in traffic in a 500-ish horsepower AMG, and used to do the same commute in a 350-ish hp M-car, and there is a lot of truth to this comment. Arguably worth it for the weekends and the occasional empty onramp, though.
I would honestly put transmission at the top of the list.
Ladies and gentlemen, what we are witnessing here is growth. Our little David is growing up. Sniff, sniff.
Let it go, Dave. The Grand Wagoneer needs your time, energy and money. Project Swiss Cheese will donate its organs so that others may live.
If a Jeep is so far gone that even YOU entertain the thought that it’s not worth keeping, it’s time to let it go. Strip what little you want to keep from it, and then load it up on your friend’s trailer to get a few bucks from the scrap dealer. This Jeep has provided more than enough story fodder and memories to be…
Ok I’m going to go on a bit of a rant here so bear with me. And some of this is based on what I’ve experienced. I’m starting to not get the point of 500-600 + horsepower sedans. Yes that’s great that your amg has 600 horsepower and that your m5 can get from 0-60 in 3.4 seconds. That’s great. But. I’m going to have to…
“(Full Disclosure: BMW wanted me to come and drive the new M5 so badly that it flew me out to Portugal fed me good food and drink, graciously let me drive the i3s for a whole day in Lisbon traffic, then let me lose on the Estoril circuit in this monster sedan.)”