I think we’re all in Accord here that he more than performed his Civic duty without having to pitch a Fit. He definitely had the Element of surprise on his side, and provided great Insight to this criminal on the repercussions of his actions.
I think we’re all in Accord here that he more than performed his Civic duty without having to pitch a Fit. He definitely had the Element of surprise on his side, and provided great Insight to this criminal on the repercussions of his actions.
...felony vehicle theft (10851 CVC), felony possession of a stolen vehicle (496d(a) PC), felony threatening or intimidating a victim/witness of a crime (136.1 PC), misdemeanor threatening to fight in public (415 PC), and a violation of his parole (3056 PC).
No not worth dying for. But worth enough to not roll over like a little bitch and let it happen to you. Especially since you know those ‘law enforcement’ officers are too busy writing tickets to actually stop/find/prosecute real criminals.
‘The Anderson Police Department thanked the people who helped find and apprehend Ashby, though it did make clear in its press release that “it is generally safer for citizens to contact police prior to engaging criminals.”’
Yeah, but, who has full coverage on a 1991 HONDA ACCORD?
From the sounds of it the Ford WRC Rally car one is simple, they had run additional plumbing from the inlet air restriction and intake piping that with a pair of valves on the inlet and outlet of the system allowed them to store pressurized air in a tank mounted behind the USDM style bumper cover. That from outward…
Raphael, This is probably one of the worst articles I’ve read of yours sorry but it lacks any kind of depth. Instead of actually providing information you provide some vauge info, and some links that don’t provide much either. . I’m still left asking.. WHY did removing the MAF help the team was it because their ECU…
I think he also had a car where the roll cage was plumbed into the fuel system and gave him an extra gallon or something like that.
“If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.” -Smokey Yunick
I believe that TWR BTCC Volvo wagon team also put a stuffed animal golden retriever in the cargo hatch area during warmups/practice to give other teams the piss.
I’ve only ever seen a single picture of it (which I can’t find...), but my favorite cheat was the asymmetrical oval track racer. The story goes that the regulations required 4 wheels, 2 of which steered, obviously meaning a standard car with a steerable axle. However, one intrepid builder wanted more traction on the…
Three racing cheats you’ve never heard of.
Igneous pun there....
No need to judge, that’s for the Quartz to decide...
these jokes are getting boulder by the minute
Paint the rock yellow with reflective paint.
I wonder if some of those drivers were stoned.
Shade tree mechanic culture. I grew up with a father that rebuilt cars to resell them. We had almost a full shop. Friends and relatives would all come over to get work done, especially when we picked up a used tire changer.