DC3 LS, will be perpetually replacing cars until the end of time

This is the best article that’s been on Jalopnik in ages. MORE OF THIS PLEASE!

So let me get this right, you’re having brunch with some drinks (details which aren’t necessary) and your first thought is “I hope the killer isn’t etc...”? Soooo sorry your brunch was interrupted for you to have to hope the killer matched a particular race...

Shooter is dead, I believe. I mean, we could send his corpse to Gitmo, if that would make you feel better.

Still beating the drum eh? I have to disagree with you, there is nothing we can do to stop these. Too many guns out there and the country has pretty decisively shown it will never give them up.

(Tapper said that “Allahu Akbar” is “used under the most beautiful circumstances,” which is an indisputable fact.)

I am surprised it came out as accurate as it did. As far as helping developing nations, I would support solar, wind and hydro. In the US, I know it isn’t popular to say but I would like to see move investment in nuclear (power stations and research) as modern designs would do much better and cleaner than what we have

I think there needs to be an apologia bingo card. So far I have:

The Crusaders didn’t even cause the conflict. The first crusade happened because the Seljuk Turks kept attacking the Byzantine Empire.

If a cop shouts “stop resisting”, then hits you with his nightstick, by the fourth or fifth time he does it, you are going to start to flinch every time you hear the words. It is not an intellectual reaction, it is instinctive. It also works if the exclamation is only occasionally accompanied by the attack.

One of the many paradoxes of intersectionality. But somehow this dogma is given the full backing of our humanities department nationwide. Leading credence and legitimacy to another Marxist derived concept, which surely is logically and objectively true.

It’s just that liberals—like Nomani and Maher—refuse to acknowledge it. “Deus Vult,” the Latin Phrase for “God wills it,” was first said by Pope Urban II in 1095 at the start of the First Crusade.

Apparently if a religion is primarily populated by non-white people, it must be good because non-white people are victims of white supremacy, even in their almost entirely non-white countries where the majority of Islamic terrorism happens.

And the swastika has been used to represent the Buddha for a long long time.

It’s strange that progressives will defend Islamic dogma as in it is beautiful or something very special to the people who beleive it.

Are you being intentionally obtuse?

I didn’t create this meme but it is applicable.

R&T editors Travis Okulski and Sam Smith (both Jalopnik alumni who moved onto jobs that pay with actual money instead of cartons of Cup Noodles) broke away from the testing for a bit to chat about what makes the 720S so remarkable.

Incredibly pedantic and unimportant response to the lead image: Technically the Pope’s country is Vatican City, not Italy.

“You know what other market wouldn’t exist without literally trillions of dollars of government support? Military contractors.”