A colon is better than a colonoscopy.
And they’ll keep selling trucks at 80,000 a month in the mean time. Whoops, I shouldn’t expect a “tech company” to be a car company.
LOL, ‘journalistic integrity’. Like that’s a thing any more. Nowadays, it’s all about breaking the news FIRST. Like the author had to reiterate in this article jalopnik did with the firing scandal.
The future, duh.
I guess Elon is tired of the asshole media too.
How is this company valued more than Ford or GM again?
I wonder what his plans are for 2019 and later as Tesla will then have competition with full-electric vehicles, and those will come from manufacturers that know how to set up a production, and will probably make the current Teslas outdated. He’s losing money right now, and the other manufacturers could easily afford…
So is Musk taking a page out of Trump’s playbook where all flattering news is truth and anything else is a lie to be swept under the rug? Shame.
Next season we’re all going to stand around cross-armed, covered in grease, wearing in our matching TV shirts that say Jalopnik Garage. Also we’re getting full-body tattoos and goatees.
I agree with the sentiment of this post, but only to a point. A large reason we don’t need to be frightened of terrorism is because our intelligence and law enforcement agencies, for all of their faults, do a pretty damn good job of preventing terrorism. And they do a pretty damn good job because they’ve prioritized…
“Checking Facebook, everyone says they are ok”- um, yeah, except those 8 people
In no way do I mean this as a slam on you or whatever your political views are, but it probably says more about your political affiliation and perhaps the media you consume.
I like this response a lot. You have a good read on how a lot of us react to these occurrences. It does no good to bury your head and pretend they don’t happen but you can’t chicken little around everywhere either. A balance of realizing yes it can happen to you however unlikely but definitely shouldn’t stop you from…
Built ISIS Tough
He’s gonna be the target of a small scale attack from al Qancer.
Ugh, steering loss has got to be at the top of my list. Nothing else is scarier to me, not even losing brakes. At least then I know I could downshift, or shut off the engine, or aim for a ditch or bushes to help slow me down. But losing steering (even just one wheel of it) at speed? NOPE. No thank you.
10. IMS Bearing Failure
The hacking is why i’ll drive my 94 accord lx manual until it dies or it gets stolen again.