DC3 LS, will be perpetually replacing cars until the end of time

It used to be only a handful of big luxo barges, some Ferrari, one Lambo and the Porsche 911, now there’s more cars to chose from in that category than they are in the obnoxious $30K crossover segment.


Hmm... what are the other differences between Japan and the US. I wonder?

The second golden age of V8 hot rods:

It’s currently the paradise for people with a lot of money.

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

the nut on the bus goes pound pound pound

it would have been more useful if they hadn’t put the fuel filler cap deep inside as well making it an absolute chore at your local Gaskinov Ztation. Government backed muggings while refuelling were common due to this flaw/feature.

IIRC these things had a habit of breaking down at the most inopportune of times- when they were fully laden. Made it really hard to access the engine mounted between the saddlebags.

Mules can be bread, but they don’t make very good toast.

Mules are sterile. They may fuck, but they don’t breed.

Actually, the first Prius, the ineffably Echo-y lookin’ thing (though I’m told the chassis was actually intermediate between Corolla and Camry), impressed me when I rode in one. A visiting colleague had rented it. Just like a quality normal small car.

Didn’t the Honda Insight come out first?

lol. yeah! Real men love paying gas tax!

Right, so, yeah—this is the first gen Prius.

Those extinguishers can screw up your auto electronics as I understand it. That car might be in for some pain.

You are incorrect. The absolute worst are people who pull into the pump, go in and buy shit (cigarettes, drinks, or snacks) and no fuel.

“Third, cell phone and refueling”

I like it. And I don’t see the problem here whatsoever.