DC3 LS, will be perpetually replacing cars until the end of time

nonsense I would have made that extra $8 in fun conversation and tips.


Screw this “game” that was created just to make us feel bad for Uber drivers. I drove Uber for a bit over 2 years in Chicago. Part of that was as my only job. Is it “easy”? No. But I made a decent living, set my own schedule, and met some amazing people.

This makes it sounds like some horrible punishment. First, you

The game is a little loaded though. You have to earn your entire mortgage payment in one week’s time (not sure about you, but mine comes due once a month) and you endure expense (broken windshield, dented door) that you certainly aren’t going to experience on a weekly basis. And many of these drivers presumably

Yes, you should be able to earn enough to survive.

Wait reading into this game it bases you out of SF? Who the hell thinks they can live out of SF doing Uber?

$870 after expenses in easy mode. According to the site, I’m basically average. 

This is a bit of a hot take, but I don’t understand why people get so uptight about driver compensation for these services.

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Not just kittens... *adorable* kittens...

Sadly, it only gets worse from there....

To be fair, it is a lot easier to shift the burden of clean energy to the grid and not to each and every individual car. So, your energy “could” conceivably be clean, depending on where your power comes from. That can never be the case for a gasoline-powered car.

Of course, you then descend into a rabbit hole about the

Obviously it’s being built for city dwellers that never have to leave areas with data service and internet radio streaming.

It has a cooling fan... just like every other car on the road...

If this is a list of quirks, then shouldn’t there be a Doug Score?

Who needs a radio when you can listen to that sweet exhaust note.

One is made by a company called Honda, and the other one is made by a company called Toyota.

I see it. I didn’t until I read the article and realized what it was, but I SEE IT.

If the Louvre is a rockin, don’t come a knockin.

They should have just justified the removal on the grounds that it was an ugly piece of shit with no architectural value whatsoever.