To celebrate the enormous success of Black Panther, Disney is going to donate $1 million of its ticket-sale jackpot…
To celebrate the enormous success of Black Panther, Disney is going to donate $1 million of its ticket-sale jackpot…
Golisano, it should be noted, is by far the richest person in Western New York, with a net worth in the billions. As a general rule, every single person who has built a billion-dollar fortune is an asshole. Every single one. Some of them do useful things to try to salve their consciences—Bill Gates and Warren Buffett…
A cold rage washes over me when people have homes near nature, be it a lake or some woods, and get upset that, shock! wildlife shows up. Then it becomes the city/states job to “clean up” these animals because some developer had a brilliant idea to exploit the city into letting it build near animal habitats.
This cockknocker has a giant estate measured in hectares and his great problem in life is goose shit.
My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.
Shad Moss, the artist formerly known as Lil Bow Wow and desired to be known as a private plane passenger, has found…
Have you ever seen the documentary that shows the exhumation of Evita Peron’s body in Italy in the 1970s? She’d been so well preserved, when they opened the box, she looked as though she were just asleep (and needed some face powder).
its in the barbie foot-smelling complexion perfector!!
When it comes to having a corner on the market, nothing really compares to Nike. And right now, use the code SUMMER20…
My god, is that really the statue? You can’t tell me whoever did the commission on this wasn’t secretly trying to stick it to the Klan. It looks worse than my kid’s play-doh lumps.
Congratulations Martha! I’m glad she won, those Chinese Crested beasties seem to take it every year, and it’s not fair; being of weird-looking breed shouldn’t make you a shoe-in. There are loads of funny, ugly sweetumses of all types and sizes out there!
del Toro is one of my favourite cinematographers of all time. (I haven’t seen Crimson Peak yet, mind you...) My blood absolutely ran cold watching Devil’s Backbone.
A Girl Walks is AMAZEBALLS. I talked my husband into going to see it and we both loved it and own the soundtrack. For me the creepiest part is when she’s terrorizing the little kid into never doing shitty things to women as he gets older. “For the rest of your life, I’ll watch you. Be a good boy.”
This isn’t on Netflix (I don’t think so, anyway) but it’s on Amazon Prime—Hell House LLC. It’s found footage and dayyum, I had to mute the sound more than once (I’m okay with just seeing horror, but I freely own that sight AND sound are sometimes too much for my old heart). Creepy clowns, man. Creepy. Fucking. Clowns.
Yeah that’s about right. Animal cruelty stories always fuck me up, there are so many people who deserve this (not advocating violence just saying... human beings are pretty shitty and there are many assholes out there who I wouldn’t be shed a tear over if this happened to the) and yet a defenseless animal??? with…
I’m starting to wonder what’s right with people.
The only time John McCain was a good idea was when the alternative was George W. Bush.
All of these activities would probably be much improved if wearing a fabulous dress...
I immediately wondered “Who’s taking care of Sasha while they’re on vacation?” but then I quickly realized “Sasha’s probably the most competent person left in DC right now.”
That’s total bullshit. I never go around telling all my female co-workers they’re beautiful! I mean, some of them aren’t even SMILING!!