
Here’s a kicker dude. Intermix has a website. Where, you know, someone has already taken the time to take pictures of the clothes. You can steal their ideas from the comfort of your own home.

This is karma for electing Scott Walker.

Favorite Vines thread....GO!

I won’t donate any money, but I will loan them my glue gun and a can of sparkly red spray paint.

That’s nothing. I almost ended up in New Jersey.

My little guy Mofie passed away last night, and I want to share his photo with some cat appreciaters. He made 18 years and I was able to say goodbye and that I loved him, but it didn't hurt any less

I mean, when you’re essentially driving a house on wheels....

Occam's Razor.

I mean, isn’t it standard operating procedure in divorce cases for the child to be punished?

This is a classic way to make your child love you more: get a judge to legally ban them from participating in a sport that they love and are really good at.

“Vechery went into the latest custody hearing without a lawyer.”

To be fair, I’m sure that people in Florida probably a.) don’t know he is their Senator and b.) assume he survived the Pulse shooting.

She is young, pretty and doesn’t challenge the boss.

and this is what I get for commenting before I finish the piece, which pretty much laid out my argument in far better detail than I could have.

I love being me when I’m stupid.

To be honest, I have a phobia about flying. So, basically, I hold it together through the line because you can’t look too unhinged while being searched for weapons, but once inside, I cry the entire time, because I firmly and irrationally believe I’m going to die in the next few hours as the plane goes hurtling into

It should be noted that this dude has some tatoo on the back of his neck. Some letters, probably "tool." Can anyone make that out?