Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

I was angry before I even clicked thru to the article. Then I read this

That reminds me that I love the fighting style they developed for Agent Carter. Unlike the acrobatics and dance moves that the Black Widows tend to use, Peggy is a straight-up street brawler.

As a 46 year old dude who adores comics, I gotta say this: there are too many fucking comic properties on tv.. There can be strong stands lines like flash and Arrow, but Lyra compress the rest into a single “Showcase” type series where each her gets an arc of varying lengths that’s on 52 weeks a year. Arrow leads into

Same. Plus it has a better price: $0/month.

I call this service “NoScript” and “Adblock”.

Holy crap, that IS Elijah Wood!

A lot of readers are way too young to remember or even weren’t born, but the original Teen Titans was groundbreaking and insanely memorable. It was a comic that matured the industry more than almost any other comic I can recall, tackling some of the most realistic and grounded issues a comic could at the time while

Yeah, which is why I hope Deadspin keeps the pressure on him.

Gives him more time promote his charter school scam. The asshole.

I was gonna vote for Dan Majerle anyway.

This is some real, honest-to-goodness community service y’all have done for his victims, for the people of Sacramento and California, and for schoolchildren everywhere. Good work.

Death Note is nearly a decade old. Evangelion just had its 20th Birthday.

i’m still a big fan of Go Nagai’s crazy eyes’ style

Here’s a question: do alchohol control board goons have the same level of protection as regular police officers? And specifically, when they lose their lawsuits, do the taxpayers pay out as usual? If so, that’s triple jeopardy for us right there: 1) We, the citizens and taxpayers, get beaten by the cops; 2) We get

I hope he gets every fucking penny, continues his education, and has a better life than any of those sad ass mother fuckers ever will.

Personally, I find great gams an absolute requirement, male or female.