Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Doesn’t Chris Person have one of these rigs? They look cool but they must run hot if you desire any items over 500W.

How will the Ornery Oligarch fight back now?

It’s been four years since Hannibal ended and I want to know how they survived dammit. Freakin’ Kurtzman stealing Fuller’s ideas.

The CW should stick to 13 episodes seasons like they did for their non-supernatural/hero dramas. I could dig the Canaries show if it told a tight story rather than being bogged down by the legacy of the Arrow show.

If you head into South Brooklyn, you can see this baby in action at two great game stores.

I buy Nvidia over AMD because of the power draw. I wonder what is Intel’s advantage in regards to the prettier graphics this will produce.

Couldn’t this all be solved with the comics?

Getting closer to Mad Max already.

And Mayor Pete, Trump, Biden, generic Republic politician must be praised for bare minimum of work!

Reading this article reminds me of the only book I ever read about Obama’s first term, that it was mostly a boy’s club, that casually disregarded the views of minority and women staffers. Mayor Pete apparently went all “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” on this, and yeah, he definitely does not deserve to even

Wandering onto military bases gets you a 4 star wanted level in GTA. Pokemon Go, probably less so.

Ducks don’t have digits!

That dude’s got big hands.

Yoda lived better than Flanders.

Now playing

Apparently 30mm and 24mm buttons are cheap to get, even with knockoffs, so nobody uses membrane ones anymore. So the stick has mounts and holes.

I wasn’t expecting Sanwa level quality with this stick as $130 with a ton of features and ports is a great price.

Sorry, Exist Archive, FF13-3 is the Valkyrie Profile sequel we’ve wanted all those years.