Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

The least qualified people with the most hate-filled hearts and the laziest work ethics are steering this ship.

Have the Rolling Stones killed.

Now playing

Might I add, that if you feel patently uncool singing or humming happy birthday out loud or in your head, there’s always the Ramones version from the Simpsons, which is way cooler:

Yes, sing Happy Birthday to measure the appropriate duration of hand-washing and, to wash effectively, use this process:

This article is more beautiful than its subject.

meanwhile, this cancer made money:

Green Arrow and the Canaries was... okay. I feel like they went too far in the other direction when they addressed the fact that no one likes 2040 Star City being a dystopia by making it a utopia.

You can tell Megyn didn’t see the film. The movie pretty much lambasted Downey’s character as an actor that got so into his role that he thought that doing that was a good idea. I mean in the last act of the film Downey’s character realizes how fucking dumb he is and wrong he was to demean others with stereotypical

Someone needs to sit Megnnnnnnnn down and explain the plain difference between satire and stupid.

just to kiss the ass of somebody he’s afraid of or wants to impress.

Disney was aiming for some meaningless, tacked on bullshit that progressives in the West would give them credit for, but they could remove for more conservative markets, so that they wouldn’t hurt their bottom line. The fact that people want to give Disney any brownie points for this BS is hilarious. It’s more virtue

Who does your art work? It’s very good. 

This unaccomplished slug standing on a debate stage Tuesday night in place of Castro, Harris & Booker is a travesty. Yes we truly are invisible when this walking testament to mediocrity & apathy is praised as “electable” while more qualified candidates were ignored or expected be props for Biden, Warren etc. Mayo Pete

Mayor Pete is a classic example of a white Democrat that only sees value in minorities as a vehicle to carry him to an election win.

Notice how the troll tries to change the topic to whatever distractive BS they read on Fox News?

Dude is a glass of warm milk with legs.

I like your comparison.

Dude has managed to take the “real-life version of The Smiler from Transmet” attribute from John Edwards.

Thanks for posting this article.