I didn’t even know about this until you wrote an article about it. I now hate you Fahey for telling me about it.
I didn’t even know about this until you wrote an article about it. I now hate you Fahey for telling me about it.
“onanism” is an ancient word for masturbation. So old, in fact, the latin root word comes from the bible story: “...From the biblical name Onan: In the Book of Genesis, Onan, son of Judah, in fulfillment of the laws of levirate marriage was to impregnate his brother Er’s widow, Tamar, in order to raise offspring from…
No, it comes from Onan in the bible, the man that spilled his seed on the ground.
“or that your employer might consider to be incompatible with your job.”
I’m so annoyed at employers who go beyond the call of duty for temporarily disabled male employees but seek to drop a pregnant woman at a second’s notice. Young v. UPS was helpful in making clear that you can’t discriminate against pregnant women, but if your employer is a jackass, then you may still have to challenge…
Hey, you know what would really be handy? Having somebody who looks just like Bruce Wayne around, held securely off-site, which nobody but a handful of people are aware of!
Watched the stream. It was ridiculous.
I maintain that the Azrael Bat costume was the best non-traditional Bat costume of all time.
Married my Abusive ex-husband the day after my 18th birthday, 2 years later I left him and had no place to go. I stayed in my car for a bit with my 1 year old son. Eventually The Shelter for abused woman had an opening and we got in there, I slowly began to get on my feet. That was over 20 years ago.
I always imagined Charmander as the 8 year old kid, Charmeleon as a brooding teenager, and Charizard as the college graduate who finally got his shit together.
Fun fact: There was a push from some Evangelical churches in the 90’s to get Pokemon banned from the U.S. because evolution.
I always thought of some evolutions as the Pokemon maturing into an adult state, which wouldn’t be as unbelievable.
Oh, shit, I thought this was about Haim Saban being pissed off about the grades his vintage Power Rangers toys got.
Narrow wins, level-one teams, besting cheaters, Shiny Pokémon captures...Kotaku readers shared some of their most…
Santa Clara’s Digital Game Museum came across a near-complete version of the cancelled Atari 2600 version of arcade…
UI seems to be permanently understaffed in every studio I’ve seen. Furthermore, UI is probably the most sensitive area when it comes to the work of other departments - I’m pretty sure more UI work gets thrown out during development than anyone else’s, just because almost every change to the game requires a…
I live in Seattle. I love basketball to the point where I consider it my favorite sport. But if Seattle/King County put it to a vote, I would vote against public financing for an arena, because there are other things I love more than basketball, like cities with good infrastructure and responsibly spent tax dollars on…
Stadiums. Possibly worse than FIFA/F1.