Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

1. Birth —> Kindergarten —> NYU —> Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism —> Newsweek —> Brill’s Content —> VH1 (co-created Hulk Hogan’s reality show, oh the irony) —> MTV News (covering games)—> Kotaku, with a sprinkling of New York Times mixed in over the past decade

Was Actraiser underrated? Hell, does it hold up? I remember it being ahead of its time.

Ask the Million Dollar Man for a loan.

What are you guys going to do when Hulk Hogan wins the lawsuit and Gawker has to pay 100 Million Dollar and needs to shutdown?

Be historically correct, don’t leave the UK out of this.

Yeah, this was a problem for me. We picked up a Wii when the kids were really little (5 and 3), and that worked out fine.

Great! from a historical perspective it will probably be worth playing, also a nice change of pace from all the anti-middle east media getting released on a daily basis.

I like how Nintendo of America keeps acting like we don’t have internet access and have no idea that this game is coming out next month in Japan and Europe.

Wait, how is the P3/4 universe timeline complicated? If you play the games, they usually end up telling you which events from other games are happening parallel at a given time, or before the game’s events.

Cellshading is something I wish to see being used more and perfected.

Sadly it is pretty easy. Persona thanks to the success of Persona 3 and Persona 4 has eclipsed the main more niche Shin Megami Tensei games, so the influence from that franchise superceded the original main series and thus we have anime high school students with Fire Emblem character taking the spots of

Chances are, the people in charge of you get paid hefty wages for actually doing LESS than you do also. I don’t understand that either. :/

“...he’s earning $5,569.41 per month through Patreon donations.”

I hope they do bring this game westward.

They’re obviously playing Splatoon.

2) Leaving

Yeah, that sucks. Exclusives are the gaming industry cancer of our time.