Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Congrats, and enjoy the new offices!

Where’s the mod that makes them all look like ducks?

Jimmy Carter was right.

Good old Fred.

Saints Row 3 has CheapyD. That’s all I need to know.

The IRS is much tougher on deadbeat dads like Joe Walsh at this rate.

Lindsay Graham and his buddies screamed at Dr. Blasey-Ford for the consequences of lying, but Barr and Erik Prince? Ignore!

A role model all children can help to emulate!

Sega absolutely did it to a guy who was found to have cocaine.

Can I play as Benicio Del Toro’s character from Sicario?

“Agent, make sure you don’t f-k up this time”.

They should because if they don’t, we’ll be hearing about what Riot Games plans to do to manipulate their employees.

She got greedy.

The Earth is hot, flat, and crowded because of gasbags like him who care only about what he thinks are “the good ones”.

The RX 470 can run RPCS3.

Even the acid won’t help.

The media is not helping. All I hear at the top of the hour is that his mother is very angry, and that there was juror misconduct. Only NOW I just learned this guy is developmentally disabled, or that the suspects the cops were looking for very vastly different. 

The Green Screen Game Boy was my first experience with the system, but I didn’t like the gross green screen. When the Pocket came out, alongside Pocket Monsters, I became fully engrossed with the system. The device was simplistic, directions and two buttons. Put a cartridge in it, and there were so many adventures one
