Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

NJWP, hurry up and hire Sasha Banks!

““If your kids behaved like these women, you’d ground them. If they worked in your business, you’d fire them.”

Crap, now I have to pay for a sub.

This game reminds me of the Shin Megami Tensei games for the Game Boy than MonRan and Pokemon.

Something about Joker’s 3D model stands out among the cast, tho it may be because of how his black outfit ripples. I’ve used him this morning for a few, and yeah, he was a bit difficult to use. I didn’t know about the Down B special!

The Controller on the left looks like the awful six button controller that came with the Sega Genesis 3.

Is the Diablo 3 UI any good on portable? I want to play it but I hate modern UI design in most Western games for being so small.

That was the point indeed. What does Tucker Carlson scream about every night to the cult?

The day the Notre Dame fire happened, an NPR show aired a story about how actual Black churches were set on fire more often, one case involving the son of a local Sheriff. And where are the stories from the other news outlets?

If you combo buy the Xbox Game Pass Three Months Card at Amazon right now, that’s $60 for one year. Xbox Live Gold is always $60 a year. Still cheaper than $180 that Microsoft is asking for ultimate.

Bran looks like that wiener kid from the robot cartoons.

If he’s doing this in a video game, perhaps he’s doing something similar IRL. Where’s the state police on this?

Keep telling them! We need more Ace Attorney games!

The Republicans run on a platform of screwing over people by denying access to safe and affordable things that people need to function in society. And I’ve seen the Jezebel articles about porn consumption, and they are particularly high in “family values”, gun toting red states. I’m not saying correlation is

Well, I did get rid of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 LE stuff and kept the game and steelbook. I was glad to do that.

Conservatives bemoan that we waste our money on avocado toast, next they’ll be saying we’re wasting our money on corn instead of saving up for a house with harmful policies like these.

After all that Sekiro, I’m surprised your hands are alright for DMC5.

And get lead poisoning?

I got the 1200, and Vita Remote Play is not that great, and I get speeds of 1MB/s.

I got the 1200, and Vita Remote Play is not that great, and I get speeds of 1MB/s.

He’s a low rent Ross!