Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

But the update is from last fall. :(

F- yeah. I finally realized why she was able to get away with this billion dollar scam, because of that White Man Voice.

I just heard a conservative on NPR express concern about accusing Good Old Boys of Terrorism, and if they get charged with such crimes, it crosses a line.

What about the globalists that Trump loves to talk about?!

The real victims of Rep. Omar’s anti-Semitism is Mark Meadows and Meghan McCain, won’t somebody please think of them?!

As much as the gaming gear was sweet, I really shudder at the hospital bill, especially for what stupid justification they will make for the wifi.

And all those people in the defining event of our current era.

Not getting  much press about giving nuclear weapons to Saudis either.

People realizing that his ass will never cash those checks?

Leslie McCrae Dowless has been maligned worse than Osama Bin Laden!

It took the bleak soulless eyes of a Funkopop to make io9 Editor Jill Pantozzi a convert to Bulbasaur.

If it’s high enough, I appreciate Nintendo’s UI design and usability since it isn’t as hairpulling compared to xbox.

Pirate Radio!

Yeah, I did understand the doctor’s motives in not allowing experimental treatments, but yeah the director had to bookend it to Jennifer’s interaction. They should’ve made Lynn a little more persuasive, especially when Khalil is not a typical patient.

Basically all of the children Oliver killed in episode one?

I thought it fit with the patronizing White doctor in the second half of the episode. I definitely felt sad for Khalil, even though the beginning of this season was eff him. I really wonder how they’re going to (not) take down Tobias Whale in.. two episodes?

That little speech from Curtis at the end of the episode, I can definitely see it happening.

Yeah, WTF was Emiko in this episode. I don’t think she left the city, but surely she could’ve lent a hand outside.

Still $13 a month.