Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

So is there a Mister Satan on the show who is like the brother to Madam Satan?

I don’t know how to feel about Tambor except that he’s probably a disgusting human being worth throwing into the fires as said, but the comment looks like he’s pulling from the other scandals Amazon TV had, especially Roy Price. Just what is it like to work for Amazon Studios? Is there a cycle of abuse that is being

That’s right, asides from being a show about trans people, I also heard that it’s also a show about assholes, the Pfeffermans.

It’s just like the average American voter. The evil s- that the Republican Party actively does in plain sight, is drowned out by the crazies, and that causes people to not deal with the ever-increasing mess that is politics.

Why is Laverne Cox not on Suits? WTF!

It’s what happens with a homogeneous society time and time again. At least it’s 2018 and people are actually aware of the BS that called “punching down”.

There is a Japanese comedian whose SOLE act is dressing up like a very stereotypical Polynesian.

Use Firefox! You can install a adblocker extension.

Really? I thought restaurants had a delivery radius of like ten blocks.These apps enable anybody from miles away to drive to your home?

They better not patch this because I haven’t tried some of this stuff out. And I still don’t know how to do the advanced jumping technique in Odyssey. :(

Woah, thems good ole boys you’re gonna bomb.

He’s probably going to use this shooting as a means to increase ICE presence in schools in urban areas.

What about Clearwater, the Florida city that’s always advertised on the NYC Subways?

It’s so hard to 3D print the lower receiver.

They’re still trying to get back those White voters that they lost when Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act!

Really? I could care less if he does or doesn’t campaign.

Oh yeah. I was surprised she was only 26 when she began to play Xena. I thought she was older when I was a kid watching the program. Acted much more mature than any of those Beverly Hills 90210 brats.

I learned that the local Fox affiliate wouldn’t be part of the Disney deal, even though their news trends less asshole-like compared to FN.