Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Insurance companies are probably still run by the same assholes who turned a blind eye to the AIDS crisis in the 1980s.

Intentional boner.

Much like Capcom had to rethink Monster Hunter for the PS4, they will have to rethink MonHun for the Switch. It’s gonna have to be different than the PS2-like architecture they set up.

Most people think Bermuda is a tax haven for the elite, not a surprise it would reflect their values.

And they gonna get none of the money once he is enrolled. They’ll bribe you but you know NCAA athletes don’t get paid.

When Sega made like five systems during the Famicom’s heyday.

They should know, but many people don’t. That’s how the scams keep continuing. But hey, Mick Mulvaney and his CFPB is not going to do a damn thing about it.

It’s an old scam that even an episode of Leverage from ten years ago was about this.


I heard it used to be you would get slightly more money if you chose to do this publically. I guess it has changed.

Now playing

This kid could’ve beaten Mitchell’s score.

That rabbit is eyef-ing me.

I stopped watching because Scientology airs a commercial every year.

But those big honkin billboards aren’t.

If only.

Kinda hard when the Verizon building is located right in the government district of New York City.

Oh yeah. We’ve now forgotten that the President of the United States invited three prominent Russian spies to the White House, and leaked classified ally intel to a Russian official. But nope, the FBI is biased against Trump because they called him names.

It names sources that any self-respecting journalist or law enforcement official would use as a launching point but not as an actual source. Why are our taxpayer monies going toward these idiots who insult the intelligence of even an eighth grader trying to finish a term paper two hours before it’s due?

Whatever happened to teh Blue Lives Matter?