Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

An unholy alliance of Bilbo and Gollum.

I’m hoping for a Johnny Bago adaptation.

Coogler, get your award, you magnificent genius.

It could be that in the comics it had to be a cure for cancer as opposed to Vibranium. The Captain America had his shield retconned to be a mixture of Vibranium and Adamantium even when FDR was president (as you saw in the movie).

Wobbly mouse.

Wobbly mouse.

“Y du u h8 unburned life” Asked many a bot on Twitter.

I find this story interesting in comparison to what’s happening in DC. Public trust in local police is continually being eroded by gross misconduct and incompetence, and meanwhile are politicians are attacking the top cops for their competence.

Reactionary principles at work.

I should’ve bought a Wii U at the beginning of the month as it was $140 easy.

I do not recommend the Pecham case. The texture on it is just terrible.

I do not recommend the Pecham case. The texture on it is just terrible.

What happens when many people cash in their Bitcoin for actual material things at once?

Wow.... And then I realized Kim Cattrall was willingly interviewed by Piers Morgan.

From coal jobs to chicken jobs, real soon.

Hmm... cuts to science, education, health, environment; tax breaks for the super rich, raising taxes on the middle class and poor; crony capitalism; video evidence of sexual assault <<<<<<< her emails and her shitty way she handles workplace harassment.

I just hope your nephew didn’t introduce the kids to Dragon Ball either.

Glowing review from Dennis Hastert.

The guy in the commercial looks like Christian Bale.

Republicans are just making excuses, especially as they do not want a Census because it would mean government is working to make sure taxpayer money is allocated correctly.

The people in Berlin had the privilege of being White.