Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Senator Gillibrand was right about needing a Marshall plan for Puerto Rico, but her colleagues in Congress are too busy trying to obstruct Mueller’s investigation and give tax breaks to the rich to even do something good within their power.

You can pour it into that pot of soup.

Sniffs. “Hide the children.”

If true, why Monster Hunter as opposed to the latest Call of Duty?

They look less like the old Ghostbusters and more like the Real or New Ghostbusters.

Cranky Lawyer is from Florida. Too legit.

The no-metal challenge cave was interesting, but I effing hated the dungeon after it. It got really annoying and it made me quit the PS1 version of the game. I really hope this cheat makes me skip that.

32GB is fine if you are going to run roms for the older consoles. Consider getting a hard drive if you want to run PS1 games.

32GB is fine if you are going to run roms for the older consoles. Consider getting a hard drive if you want to run

We got Gefilte.

Now playing

The slower the cook, the better the taste.

The Costco near me, is the same place as that Kotaku writer’s, and many families take the NYC subways to get to one. No excuse you can’t.

The FBI, famed hippie haters, is considered a leftist organization.

Walls don’t stop “barbarians”.

Freedom Caucus or WHITSIS? Because wow, they are only 30 members but they control so much.

I have to go to a Costco with my boss to buy anything and the deals they are nice if you don’t bother to scan the supermarket circulars. Can’t beat that $5 chicken tho.

WaPo is nuts:

Yeah, I don’t trust the USPS to set up a banking system, especially when the US Government has screwed them over.

Politicians have no right to complain about how consumer bank accounts work, especially when they passed the rules that let them be so f-ing complicated. How about we learn how much they spend on... redecoration or “hot coffee”?
