Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Sony, what are you doing? You had the f-ing PS Vita and you ruined it by forcing an utterly useless memory card format. And now the Switch is crushing the only console they’re selling.

They’re the type of people who would say it’s cool to doubt their monotheistic/demonic figure.

All the technology in the world, and a man was killed by the hyper militaristic police summoned by a prank.

In NY State there is also a work requirement for food stamps, which is like up to $200 a month, and I’ve been through it for a few months right after college. The program they set in place was absolutely demoralizing and did little to actually prepare me for the workforce. It wasn’t so much their fault, but it was

But they don’t say “the President of the United States lied”, just “misstated” a term that means he said it wrong, not in a manner that was intended to deceive the American public.

Gott in himmel. Dr. Oz as head of the FDA.

Thank goodness for that Best Buy GCU to soften the blow on this $32 Amiibo.

Cue Billy Dee Williams lighting and dropping a match.

I’m sure someone can whip up a romantic xmas movie for Hallmark or ion tv.

Thrown into solitary confinement for refusing to do voluntary labor.

What if I told you that you can buy the PS4 for MANY other games? Many other Japanese RPGs.

Yesterday there was a report from the CBO or something about CHIP. If Congress funds it for 10 years, it would cost sooo little in the grand scheme of things. Five years, gonna cost a lot of money bc we would have to go through this again.

This is basically part of the problem with the MSM. They aren’t making fake news, but making lame news. The fact that the LA Times wants to make the newspaper hq a swank club, rather than a well oiled machine of truth, is a cause for concern regardless of having a union or not.

Isn’t it better to have Medicaid for all because it’s cheaper to make sure people have access to health care, preventable health care, than to I dunno, clean up a widespread health crisis?

That’s a few less reasons to buy a Wii U right now.

Long hanging slushees bc “dangerous criminals and gangbangers” are too scary for ICE.

Careful not to fall into that screen, especially at midnight.

UL listed?

UL listed?

It’s that simple.