Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

The mainstream media has got to stop interviewing those people in Trumpland because White people are “easier” to talk to than people of color. Trump Supporters are Perkins or Toadies with confronted with news of what the Administration has done, still believing he’s doing no wrong. Education, the military, clean air,

Strong fingers, those kids.

Hopefully no surface mount parts.

Any Fucking Sales yet?

An RPG where we take delight in the misery heaped unto its main characters who are dicks? Excellent.

You eat a budget lunch for a $10 car ride?

Wait till those campaign ads that say, “would you harm Joe Arpaio’s grandkids? If you don’t vote for him, THEY will.”

His parents faced massive discrimination in this country, only fair he stomp down on those who face massive discrimination today, says he.

All I remember about Harding is that the media made her a devil, even tho Gilooly is a real scumbag that got off lightly compared to her.

If only he could show up as a Force Ghost to yell at Luke to Choose Life.

So you bought an $100 PSU on Newegg in hopes of getting that $25 rebate card? Although you did spend $100 to diagnose a computer in the same B&M store, and it does sell the same thing for $120 with $20 rebate. Yeah, buying individual parts was a headache.

Hey, it’s the best he could do. My first computer was a rat’s nest.

Remember when Gawker relentlessly mocked publications for having Social Media Experts? Look who’s laughing now?

What if you can trick the President into believing that Mexicans have wall crawling powers?

I heard Mike Williams on USGamer agree with you and say play Fortnite if you want to try out this style of gameplay, and if you have only a PS4. No sense in wasting $30 for something you won’t play too often.

JCVD is crazy, no split butts about it.

What’s the LA Times gonna do? Become the LA Weekly?

Considering how far past earthbound he’s dragged the Presidency, this is this about on par.

And I only just got the shield smack. I forgot how to do the flurry dodge.

Separated pouches to rock knuck.

Separated pouches to rock knuck.