Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

There are replacement hosts for the Lopate and Schwartz shows, but management is really keeping a tight lid on what happened. We’ll just have to wait until somebody leaks something.

When you need every bucket of One Million Yen to level up your stats, this side quest was very time consuming for me. I had to skip it because I had to finish the game asap, and premium mode was for everything else.

Oh no, Jason you’re 30 years old? I too thought you were a bit older, but then again I just remembered you were classmates/workmates with Rachel Bloom. And it reminds me that I’ll be 30 soon. :(

Come on, I’m sure the eggheads at Nintendo can make a Captain Toad game for the Switch.

I bet this guy also enjoys that he’s getting free labor from drug rehab patients if he has a Chicken factory in OK.

Young people gonna start listening to podcasts or streams while they do other things than watch local news.

Murdoch vs Sinclair.

The public was supposed to elect people that supported their best interests, including free/affordable health care and education, safe drinking water and breathable air, and equal access to the internet, among many things. But they picked bought-for politicians, who didn’t care about the red white and blue, but the

Paul Ryan is actually calling for Rich White Women to have more babies. All other people do not count as Americans.

Harvey Weinstein is very Trumpian.

WHITESIS, man. It’s a feature of America.

ion tv is always airing those Christmas movies, and they are awful but good background fodder for gaming.

The Hall of Fame was the only reason to visit Ohio.

Because spineless people refuse to vote.

Dear media, don’t you f-ing write those hot takes on how White Women got Doug Jones elected. Get bent if you do.

Why would you split a hot dog in half?

DRM free, meaning no achievements.

Shoot, she’ll blow up Eurasia if it means screwing over Obama.

It’s a very low bar even Hermes and Slim Barbados wouldn’t limbo under.

If she really wasn’t sure about the bill, she would’ve voted no or force the bill to be delayed. Don’t heap praise on Susan Collins, she’s a Republican first and foremost, and all they care about is the ends which is to win, no matter what the means. Tribalism is rife in the “Real America” and it’s rife in the swamp.