Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

It kinda should be relevant if she chose to take the terrible Spirit Airlines, which cuts at their customers with a thousand fees.

Is Trump begging for illegal votes to make sure Roy Moore wins in an upset?

Remember when Vocalfry was a thing? Those with YVS don’t get the same flack because of gender right?

Is this the same guy who lives in sin with his girlfriend and her parents and claims their pool as his?

If there was a scale or spectrum on what sports women and men can compete in the same event I’d say something like one where you have to sit down. How does a woman’s physiological difference compared to a man even affect how a car operates? S- we already have female astronauts and commandos.

But it’s based on the “enhanced version” if you like the new Star Wars discs

But it’s based on the “enhanced version” if you like the new Star Wars discs

I’m in the camp that Sub Rosa is a great episode, but all Troi episodes up until the one where she’s the Dream Warrior are terrible AF.

“Manjit Singh” is the name of an Indian Strongman who was featured in the Guinness World book of records.

Has anybody done a study on porn consumption and social attitudes of people in each state? I’ve read that porn consumption is much higher in Red States, the same Red states that think sex education is blasphemy, don’t respect the poor and disabled, restricts the rights of women to self-determination, and treat them

At least this game won’t suddenly end like a PS1 title.

Democrats will have to do a lot more than condemn the asshole Republicans for their politically motivated witch hunts. They can’t just say “woman’s right to choose”, they have literally spell out why that ability to choose is very important, and it’s f-ing easy to tie it to what grabs voters by the ghoulies, jobs.

Some people assume time is circular, so the civilization they just saw in one month may as well be civilization #200 depending on the age of the planet if it manages to renew itself for billions of years.

I read the tv guide summary for this episode last night, and I thought Kelly was going to die or get written off the show. While I am glad the episode did not end like that, I kinda wished it was Mercer but it would require a vastly different plot.

Well yeah, I wonder what moe video game just came out in Japan.

Not as bad as UPS, as my package got stuck at the warehouse for one week with no movement despite Prime Shipping.

You mean Thirsty.

They still think Pizzagate is real!

It’s easier to make a list of Republicans who are NOT supporting Roy Moore while condemning Al Franken.

Indeed. I’m supposed to feel sorry for any of the other scumbag politicians who have done worse, who cry on tv, who let the peanut gallery say “ooh, his life is ruined?” Nope, Al Franken is going to be fine, because he’s taking more responsibility comparable scumbags ever will.