Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Keep them coming because the Republicans will use this opportunity to yell even louder. The Democrats will have to do what they need to do as they choose to clean house, but they’re gonna have to put more qualified people in charge, especially women. Don’t be like Tom Perez and end up purging progressives in the party

Although Al Franken did the right thing, the voter will see this as a blow to the DNC, not a fact that a party decided to clean house and perform acts of moral righteousness. The Family Values Republican Party, despite their violations of those values from Roy Moore’s pedophilia, those homosexual dalliances, Mark

This is basically shooting yourself in the face, Democrats.

Very similar to what’s happening in the Middle East.

The moral majority means clinging to guns and religion! Peace, love, understanding and the teachings of Jesus have no place in today’s Republican Party. What are you a goddamned hippie?!

This pretty bad deal was basically a handjob to the warmongering Religious Fundamentalists, one side ecstatic that Armageddon is coming. Jared must be very happy considering he can be an even bigger slumlord in Israel.

Back in 2008-ish, I was excited that there was a Golden Crust opening near my college, and it appeared to be a hit among my fellow students. And I have read about the company’s charity work and particularly the scholarship. It was indeed a shock to find out what happened to the CEO, especially when the local news is

Okay, that slightly makes more sense, even if a third deciding for the rest is still worrying.

For a city of four million people, slightly over 90,000 people voted? That is a scary thought, and it’s what you expect from an uninformed electorate.

Even though this speech was made to suit his speech patterns, it was alas too much for him.

Don’t the Koch Industries fools realize that Russian spambots work better to convince people to go against their best interests? Look at how many Nigerian Princes got wealthy!

Don’t you know any criticism of the Israeli government is anti-semitism?!

I can, it’s like what if Don Imus lost his tv show (if you think he’s a guy that says it like it is and not a f-ing racist).

Heard on WNYC that Leonard Lopate and Jonathan Schwartz, the two oldest hosts on the station have been suspended pending investigation. No details released so far, but cleaning house.

Unchain it.

Is this the Insane Franchise Sequel 6 the Twitter was abuzz about?

One use for retro consoles is to make it a game streaming device for a PS2 via the ethernet port.

One use for retro consoles is to make it a game streaming device for a PS2 via the ethernet port.

I really hope Steve Franks can get those movies going, even if we could get one or two a year, like now the old networks had movies of the week with Raymond Burr playing Ironside AND Perry Mason.

It’s like the only Christmas song in the past few decades that’s in the American Songbook. So WTF popular music these days? Step. It. Up.