
I think it’s time we blow this scene
Get everybody and the stuff together
Ok, three, two, one, let’s AHHHH MY KNEE

It is legitimate. The Guy who attacked is an amateur MMA fighter who according to LA times is being charged with two counts of assault, one count of trespassing, and one count of disorderly conduct.

“Those 300 pounds of chiseled granite don’t even fight for real.  Like those pussies will step to THIS” 

When the broadcast came back and the first guys I pegged in the ring were Browne and Heath Slater, I knew that guy had been fucked up.

Some takeaways having viewed these videos like 20x each:

To borrow a phrase from Deadspin’s commentors: Always Highlight Truthers.

“I know I’ve beaten this drum a couple of times before on previous hard runs in the past”

The real David Bowie wouldn’t be this much of a dick, just sayin.

It was really stupid, and I remembered thinking that she must have been desperately poor to latch onto this as a moneymaking scheme.


It’s a sad situation, because he played an incredible level of basketball that year...but both franchises were also right in keeping the Brinks truck parked because of that hip and not paying for dead, damaged goods. It’s a shame, that’s a truly devastating type of injury to try to work back from.

dude i saw with the corner of my eyes the pic and the words miyamoto and what at first glance looked like “dead”(dad) and I had a fucking heart attack.


Attacking a voice actor because you don’t like a character is beyond detached from reality.

This is Matilda. Matilda is not Brigitte. Matilda has a cool job that lets her use her talents and enthusiasm to create something wonderful for others to enjoy or not as they see fit.

Not to mentioned that Melee is a “solved game” with Fox being the “best” fighter in that game with no remaining innovation left to be found. The game, as amazing as it was, is tapped out with nothing left to uncovered.

Yeah, it was about that time. Growth for the game’s competitive scene has been stagnant for quite a while. There’s the best players, and on increasingly rarer occasions do you see newcomers or upsets, and that was it.

You beat me at posting this gif lol

I’ve got the same feelings. It’s a little strange in a way when Melee has been so synonymous with competitive Smash, but I also appreciate letting Ultimate have the true spotlight it deserves when it’s also a great game for watching tournament play. There’s no reason to force both in anymore with the latter’s huge