It is legitimate. The Guy who attacked is an amateur MMA fighter who according to LA times is being charged with two counts of assault, one count of trespassing, and one count of disorderly conduct.
It is legitimate. The Guy who attacked is an amateur MMA fighter who according to LA times is being charged with two counts of assault, one count of trespassing, and one count of disorderly conduct.
It was legit, the man who attacked him is currently being charged with 2 assault counts and a disorderly conduct charge.
To borrow a phrase from Deadspin’s commentors: Always Highlight Truthers.
Honestly? Good. I understand it’s a classic, popular fighting game, but it’s time to freshen up that scene, and for every person there was that loved melee, there seemed to be just as many who were pissed and tired that a 15+ year old game kept getting the main stage attention at Evo instead of newer titles, and…
Lars is apparently dealing with a anxiety related breakdown he had shortly before his call up. He was actually rumored to be facing Cena at ‘Mania and getting a monster push, but dude had to take care of his mental health first.
That said, they’ve botched the fuck out of EC3, they are currently in the process of…
Mandy Rose Photoshopped herself with the Women’s title because she beat Asuka on smackdown. The fact that it looked believable shows you how shitty WWE’s info Graphics and promotional pictures have become over the last few years.
So it is safe to say at this point we are reaching the Al Davis “He was a genius and built a winner but now he’s doing more harm than good” Stage with Vince McMahon? Running what is essentially a third developmental brand and calling people up without having any real idea seems terrible and he plus creative have done…
As someone who worked in retail for a long time, never underestimate the power of a sale. You can almost always get someone to buy some shit they don’t want/need as long as it’s bundled together with something they do want. Basically in this system you’d always separate the high value items and mix/randomize the lower…
And this is what’s probably going to be the new standard going foward for publishers: Split the different with the lawmakers to keep their microtransactions but make it look less “Random” so avoid those pesky gambling laws countries are throwing into the works. Randomizing what’s in the boxes on a day to day basis but…
Honestly, I think the issue here is less about Ronda’s politics and more about how most of what she thinks is clever makes her look really dumb. I mean have you been following her and Becky’s social media fued? She makes the worst shit ass statements she thinks is being clever and gets obliterated from orbit by Becky…
For those curious or blindsided by this, there was a canary in the coal mines earlier in the day before this announcement, specifically square did their earnings report and lost 33 million dollars in half a year and the director of FFXV’s personal sub studio they just made for him, was going to “Be changing…
It still kills me that the legacy of this fairly interesting RPG that I really enjoyed will always be a dipshit pitcher ran the company into the ground and ruined people’s lives. The game deserves much better than that, and I still can recall sinking dozens of hours into it. If it pops up on sale again on steam, i…
Don’t underestimate the effect Fire Emblem Awakening has had on the franchise. Every Fire Emblem from awakening onwards has sold very well in the west and their mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes made 300 million for Nintendo last year worldwide with about 1/3rd of that being from the US alone. Just because it may not be…
It’s clearly an accident. JR smith clearly slips. I say this as a Warriors fan.
The other shoe is already starting to drop with the wrestlers themselves. In the last week or two Eddie Kingston, Rockstar Spud, Reno Scum, Taryn Terrell, Marche Rockett, and MJ Jenkins have all either asked for their release or been let go by the company in the last few weeks for various reasons. When the WWE trims…
David, not long ago Sexy Star issued her press release of the incident:
Edison is a 4 star Caster. The man rates higher in the games hierarchy than Medea from Fate/Stay Night and Caster Gilles de Rais from Zero
For those curious enough to dig into it like myself, the Promotion is apparently Singapore Pro Wrestling. They have a few videos on youtube if you want to check some of their stuff out:
Personally I don’t think he’s that bad, he has his good traits. Unfortunately those are weight down by him literally yelling “HEY GUYS AREN’T WE SO RAD AS THE PHANTOMS?!” At least 4 times and bullying an anime Cat.
As a Kings fan, I for one cannot wait to see where our continued attempts to be the NBA’s version of the Browns will take us next.