
So what you are telling me is Takumi is now the worst character in 4 games now.

Cecilia, as much as I generally respect your opinions as a reviewer, I have to disagree with the statement that this season is an anime Desert. I would like to counterpoint that It isn’t, it’s just one of those seasons that caters more specifically to one type of anime fan: the Comedy/Slice of Life fan. If you aren’t

I’m honestly Gald to see Christopher Odd Get some love. He tries to keep his playthroughs about the games and not him, and I love that about them. I also Recommend checking out some of his Xcom Seasons. Dude is great at the game, has a pool of fan made characters, and it a very fun watch.

Not as much as they used to. That industry has been falling off since about 2014 and they are trying to bait people back into it with tricks like new machines with themes of popular gaming/media properties, as well as renovating gambling halls.
An old article but still valid to the situation

I think at this point it’s fair to say the words “Pachinko Machine” is the bane of all video game and anime fans whenever they hear word of an upcoming announcement for something.

Honestly, This is going to be one of those shows where if you like schlocky, exploitation shit you love it, otherwise you pass. For those who want better stuff to watch this season, I totally recommend Izetta: The Last Witch, Hibike Euphonium S2, Drifters, March Comes in like a lion, Flip Flappers, and Magical Girl

You know, while him doing this is inherently a dick move, pretty much any competitive ladder I have ever been in are filled with A+ try hard jerks, and the one on Overwatch has some real “winners”, so screw them.

Long Live Hanjo!

“Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” is the saying. It means sonic, which has pumped out a lot of stinkers, shouldn’t be throwing shade over a bad game.

Yes they used unreal 3, which should have been more than enough, however a lot of the online features they promised (again going back to the over-promising thing) were things they didn’t realize where incredibly difficult to program in Unreal 3, directly causing one of the delays. In Inafune’s own words:

Man that is all kinds of throwing bricks in glass houses.

I’ve said this a few times but this confirmed it for me: The real problem is they bit off more than they could chew while using a game engine that wasn’t entirely feasible for everything they promised. It’s a classic case of over promising and as a direct result under delivering. If they had narrowed the focus to just

I am saying this as someone who works in computer repair/building since 2011: While Windows 10 is an excellent operating system (Seriously, I feel it is the true successor to 7), the fact that they are forcing these upgrades are costing their consumers a lot of money. At first I would at least get 4 or 5 people a

So this game was co-sponsered by US gamers and Japanese gamers, whom both are massive crossover with anime fans? Also didn’t this same developer just do a Kickstarter for another game with a companion anime? and in your trailer you insult essentially a large part of your own audience? What kind of fucking moron

First off, this is one of the more fair takes I have seen on this situation circulating on the web, so kudos to you Samer.

It’s an interesting situation, because he does make a few valid points in that who wins and who loses would logically be paid around the same, however, the counter argument is that by this logic,

Yup that is entirely the truth, at the end of the day Dana White and Co don’t care about the quality of the fights (to a point), they care about the ability to sell the fight. The UFC tends to skew closer to the WWE and pro wrestling than they would like to admit.

Johnson is a respectful good guy and that sells way

Not just that, but I’d dare say I like those two games better due to the lack of grimdark. Sure Wolf Among Us has its share of Dark content but for some reason it doesn’t feel nearly as oppressive about it as The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones games.

Make said Random ass game cheap enough and someone is bound to purchase it. From there it is just a matter of algorythms and boom, you have things like phishing and account jacking, just like E-mail accounts. This is a giant concern for anyone.

Other than the League owner stint, Marn was caught rigging the bracket draw in a Guilty Gear tournament in 2013 to the degree that it actually killed the game’s competitive community and got it dropped from Evo that year.